Candidates Nominated For Executive Committee and Board of Governors
The NCAJ Nominating Committee delivered its recommendations to the Board of Governors at the board’s meeting on Friday, April 19. Members will vote to approve the slate at NCAJ’s Annual Meeting scheduled for Thursday, June 13 in Wilmington. The slate of candidates for the 2024-2025 Executive Committee and Board of Governors is:
Executive Committee
- Kevin Bunn, Cary – President
- Carma Henson, Raleigh – President-elect
- Andy Banzhoff, Asheville – Immediate Past President
- Kristen Dewar, Concord – Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Vice President
- Jason Orndoff, Hickory – Education Vice President
- Lauren Newton, Charlotte – Legal Affairs Vice President
- Stewart Poisson, Wilmington – Legislative Vice President
- Sheila Chavis, Raleigh – Membership Vice President
- David Henson, Raleigh – Past President Appointed by the President
- Anna Pishko Kalarites, Raleigh – At-Large
- Jon Moore, Charlotte – PAC Chair
Board of Governors, Term Expiring 2026
- Helen Baddour, Hillsborough
- Drew Culler, Durham
- Nichad Davis, Durham
- Allison Garren, Shelby
- Gagan Gupta, Durham
- Rachel Matesic, Charlotte
- Lauren McAndrew, Raleigh
- Amanda Mingo, Charlotte
- Ann Ochsner, Raleigh
- Joel Rhine, Wilmington
The following have been nominated to serve as AAJ Governors, AAJ State Delegate and AAJ Minority Delegate:
- Doug Abrams, Raleigh – AAJ Governor
- Lauren Newton, Charlotte – AAJ Governor
- Scott Harris, Raleigh – AAJ State Delegate
- Karonnie Truzy, Greensboro – AAJ Minority Delegate
The following awards will also be given during Convention 2024:
- Annie Brown Kennedy Award – Sen. Dan Blue
- Founders Award – Hank Patterson
- Outstanding Legislator Award – Sen. Warren Daniel
- Thurgood Marshall Award – Rebecca Britton