Trial Briefs, NCAJ’s flagship publication, is printed every quarter in winter, spring, summer and fall.
Inside you’ll find valuable information that’s tailored not just to and about NCAJ members, but that also offers in-depth discussions of North Carolina law and its application in our courts. You won’t want to miss all that Trial Briefs has to offer North Carolina trial attorneys.
Each and every one of the 2,000+ members of NCAJ receives not only a print version of the magazine via the United States Postal Service, but also a week before the magazine arrives in physical mailboxes, we release a link to the digital version for advance promotion of content.
Have news to share about yourself, your practice or your contribution to your community for inclusion in Trial Briefs and the NCAJ blog? Fill out our form at
Starting in 2019, Trial Briefs in its entirety can be easily viewed on any device from any location (with a functioning wifi signal). Scroll vertically through all of the content in the magazine and easily select individual articles to read or share either to your social networks or via email.
For information on advertising with NCAJ in this valuable dual format, call our publishing partners Innovative Publishing at 844-423-7272 or email Check out the updated media kit for ad rates and specifications.
Looking for Past Issues or Articles?
If you’re trying to track down an issue or article from 2019 until the present, please visit the left side on the main page for the current digital issue (link above).
To search our individual article archive from issues of Trial Briefs spanning 2000-2018, please visit Access to these back issues and articles is an NCAJ member benefit, so you will need to login to your account to view.
Manuals & Deskbooks
NCAJ members work in partnership with LexisNexis to publish legal manuals and deskbooks to help you with your practice. And NCAJ members save 15% on NCAJ titles. Reference or enter promotion code NCAJMEMBER NCAJ no longer manages content creation, editing or publication of manuals or books in house. Authors wishing to update publications should reach out to Andrew Stein at LexisNexis.
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