Elliot Abrams Wins Public Justice Award
Elliot Abrams of Cheshire Parker Schneider, PLLC, is among the winners of this year’s Public Justice Trial Lawyer of the Year award. The award went to the team of attorneys who won a $75 million civil trial award for Henry McCollum and Leon Brown. The two North Carolina men were imprisoned for more than three decades for a brutal crime they did not commit. The case, McCollum et al. v. Robeson County et al., exposed an egregious incident of police corruption and abuse.
The award was presented during Public Justice’s 40th Annual Gala & Awards Presentation on July 18 in Seattle.
For their work on the case, Abrams and NCAJ member Ray Tarlton along with their clients, also won NCAJ’s Kellie Clarkson Award at this year’s Convention.