Hispanic / Latino Legal Issues Division
As a member of the NCAJ, you can join the Division for free and be part of our mission to promote best practices and build a strong community. Our focus is on supporting Latinx attorneys and we collaborate with North Carolina law schools to organize engaging panel discussions and promote pro bono activities. With over 150 Hispanic/Latino Division members, we invite all NCAJ members to join us.
Executive Committee Leadership | 2024-2025
Jacob Goad | Law Office of Jacob Goad
Vice Chair
Vanessa Iglesias | Wilson, Reives & Silverman
Daniel Bello Castro | Law Offices of James Scott Farrin
Immediate Past Chair
Anabel Rosa | Attorney at Anabel Rosa, PLLC
At-Large Member
Santiago Arroba | Osborn Gambale Beckley & Budd
AT&PL Liaison
Rosa Boatwright | Law Offices of James Scott Farrin
Crimmigration Chair
Beckie Moriello | Raleigh Immigration Law Firm
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Co-Chair
Anabel Rosa | Attorney at Anabel Rosa, PLLC
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Co-Chair
Beckie Moriello | Raleigh Immigration Law Firm
Education Chair
Beckie Moriello | Raleigh Immigration Law Firm
Law School Co-Chair
Vanessa Beltran-Ortiz | Kornbluth Ginsberg Law Group
Law School Co-Chair
Abigail Seymour | Camino Law
Legislative Chair
Carol Brooke | N.C. Justice Center
Membership Chair
Valeria Cesanelli | Morgan & Cesanelli Law