Following in the footsteps of her father, James, Arista “Ari” Sibrey embarked on her legal journey with the hopes of helping others better understand and navigate the law. After a couple years of practicing in various legal fields, Ari most recently took on the practice of Social Security Disability and Veteran’s Disability law at The Clauson Law Firm, a firm based in Durham, NC.
She enjoys every aspect of the field, from counseling and advising her clients to representing and advocating for them before Administrative Law Judges. Ari also enjoys volunteering for various pro bono opportunities in her local community. From Call 4All, Wills for Heroes, and NC Free Legal Answers, she enjoys sharing her legal knowledge and skills to those who may not have access or resources to obtain legal services.
When she’s not practicing law, volunteering, or networking with her colleagues, Ari enjoys spending time with her family and friends, the most important of which is her 3-year-old son, James. James is the light of her life and his energic spirit keeps her on her toes and his magnetic smiles makes all seem right with the world.
Originally from Gainesville, Florida, Ari moved to Raleigh in 2013 to attend Campbell University School of Law where she received her J.D. in 2016. After graduating from law school, she became licensed to practice in North Carolina in May 2017.