
Sponsored Post: How Contingent-Fee Lawyers Benefit from Case Expense Finance

August 29, 2024

Advocate Capital, Inc. is the premier provider of strategic financial products for successful trial law firms. Advocate is passionate about helping plaintiff attorneys get even better results for their clients, mainly through their AdvoTrac Case Expense Funding Service. AdvoTrac is a proprietary software platform that allows law firms to track their case expenses case-by-case so they can recover the borrowing costs, which makes the net cost of borrowing zero on the cases they win. Advocate Capital has served the plaintiff bar for 25 years and enjoys a client base that extends nationwide. For more information, visit or call 1.877.894.9724.

One of the biggest roadblocks that contingent-fee lawyers may face when taking on a new case is paying for case expenses out of their own pocket while maintaining their firm’s cash flow. One of the best ways to overcome this challenge is case expense financing.

Case Cost Financing is a dynamic financial solution tailored to contingent-fee law firms, offering a line of credit strategically designed to cover case expenses. This funding allows law firms to pay for expert witnesses, medical records, and other necessary expenditures for building a strong case and securing favorable client outcomes. Unlike firms funding cases independently, which essentially entails giving interest-free loans to clients, those opting for case cost funding can efficiently manage their post-tax profits. Successful case conclusions enable firms to recoup borrowing costs, as the proceeds from each case are utilized to repay the principal borrowed for case expenses.

By leveraging case cost funding, law firms can disentangle their cash flow from individual cases, get their post-tax profits back to their bank accounts, and have the financial flexibility for growth.

Invest in the Best Experts

Securing the right experts is a crucial aspect of personal injury cases and can make a significant difference in the outcome. Expert witnesses, In-depth investigations, accident reconstructions, and other preparatory work bring specialized knowledge and credibility to the case, providing critical insights that can sway the court in favor of the plaintiff. Case expense financing steps in to ensure that the legal team can secure the best expert witnesses available without straining their firm’s resources, ultimately increasing the chances of a successful outcome for their clients.

Long-Term Financial Planning for Trial Lawyers

Long-term growth planning is a critical component of building a sustainable and thriving legal practice. Case cost financing provides lawyers with a valuable tool to integrate into their long-term financial strategy. By utilizing cast cost funding, lawyers can ensure the continuity and growth of their practice. It allows for a smoother cash flow management. With a reliable source of financing in place, lawyers can take on more cases, invest in ongoing professional development, and expand their firms, all while maintaining financial stability. Incorporating case expense financing into long-term financial planning is not just a smart financial move; it’s a strategy that paves the way for the lasting success of law firms and their clients.

Case Cost Funding With Advocate Capital

Case cost funding provides a line of credit designed for contingent-fee law firms to cover the essential expenses required to build a strong case for their clients. Contingent-fee law firms that fund cases using their own resources are essentially extending interest-free loans to their clients. Law firms that opt for case cost funding can retain their post-tax profits from cases, allowing them to allocate these funds as they see fit.

Have questions about how case expense financing can be beneficial to your firm? Advocate Capital is available to answer them. Contact us today for more information on how we can help.