
Reives Seeks Inquiry Into eCourts

April 27, 2023

State Rep. Robert Reives has asked House Speaker Tim Moore to open an inquiry into the eCourts system rollout with either GovOps or the House Oversight Committee. Reives, the House Democratic Leader and an NCAJ member, wrote Moore a letter outlining his concerns on April 17.

Reives wrote: Despite an initial bill for the State of $100 million, the project has had cost overruns in the millions, and has inflicted costs that are difficult to quantify in terms of additional time and labor for judges and attorneys as the dockets of courts in pilot counties have slowed to a glacial pace due to bugs, an overly complex user interface system, and a lack of training and awareness on the part of its users in how to navigate the system.

Read the full letter here.

The Administrative Office of the Courts rolled eCourts out in Harnett, Johnston, Lee and Wake counties in February to great frustration and complaints from lawyers and their clients, including NCAJ members, in those jurisdictions.

Reives has spoken to several news outlets about eCourts, including an interview with CBS17 earlier this week. Watch the piece here.