
Refocusing NCAJ PAC On Its Core Purpose and Mission

April 19, 2024   |   Jason Orndoff

NCAJ PAC’s governing document, the PAC Trust Agreement, states the purpose of the PAC is to “provide financial assistance to candidates for public office…” On Dec. 5, 2023, PAC Trustees unanimously voted to refocus on our core purpose and mission. Going forward, NCAJ PAC will engage exclusively in strategic and effective monetary contributions in state legislative and Council of State races. NCAJ PAC will no longer make endorsements or have involvement in statewide judicial races.

In reaching this decision, Trustees engaged in a comprehensive review process and considered a broad spectrum of information. This included feedback from our Executive Director, our Government Affairs Consultant, the NCAJ Advocacy Committee, examination of endorsed candidates performance over more than 15 years, examination of what other similarly situated organizations are doing in this space, feedback from judges, feedback from legislators, feedback from our lobbying team, and feedback from various members and contributors. With this decision, NCAJ PAC joins the overwhelming majority of other state trial lawyer organizations, as well as AAJ, in our approach to partisan judicial elections.

As seen by our recent legislative successes, effective advocacy for our clients and our members is possible. PAC intends to do everything possible to help maintain that progress and position NCAJ for further achievement. Your contributions and steadfast support have never been more vital than now, and I both thank you for that support and urge you to continue. Together, we can continue to make a difference.