Member Webinar

Diversity & Inclusion Member Program: Confederate Monuments on Courthouse Grounds: Their impact on our clients and how we can protect them.

Tue, February 22, 2022   |   noon - 1 p.m.   |  
  |   CLE Hours: Does not qualify for CLE credit.

Please join Elizabeth Hambourger, Senior Attorney and Public Information Liaison for the Center for Death Penalty Litigation and Dr. John Blackshear, Associate Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education and Dean of Students at Duke University as they discuss the movement to remove Confederate Monuments on Courthouse Grounds. They will focus on the psychological impact these monuments have on our clients and the steps we can take to help protect them.  This free member program is open to all NCAJ members.  Not available for CLE credit.

The NCAJ Diversity and Inclusion Member Programming is brought to you by Settlement Planning Services and Tacker LeCarpentier, President and NCAJ Member.