28th Annual Workers’ Comp Roundtable

Fri, April 14, 2023   |   8:55 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.   |  
Virtual and  NCAJ Headquarters, 701 Corporate Center Dr, Ste 450, Raleigh NC, 27604
  |   CLE Hours: 6.0 CLE Hours (inc. 1.0 Substance Abuse/Mental Health and 1.0 Technology)

Please join the NCAJ workers’ compensation section for the annual Round Table CLE event. This event is for section members only which not only allows us to learn about cutting edge issues but also discuss our case loads in a secure environment. There will be extended sessions to allow the open discussion of any/all ideas/questions that you have.

There will be an overview of the present state of the NCGS 97-29(c) extended benefits cases. We will also delve into the different type of subrogation liens and which ones to pay attention to. Further, we’ll have a session that fulfills your mental health requirement as well as another session that includes a technology component and will teach us how to calculate a client’s SSDi offset. That last part will help you determine whether an attorney fee can be gained and that fee’s effect on your client’s overall benefits package.


**Registrations Open to Workers Comp Section Members Only**

Speakers & Topics

8:55 a.m. Welcoming Remarks by Program Chairs
  • Cameron Simmons, Cameron Simmons Law, Wilmington
  • Heather Jahnes, Hodgman, Rowlett & Jahnes, PA, Greensboro
9:00 a.m. Extended Benefits Overview
  • Cameron Simmons, Cameron Simmons Law, Wilmington
9:30 a.m. ERISA/Rawlings/BCBS
  • Matthew Healey, James Scott Farrin, Durham
10:30 a.m. Break
10:45 a.m. Technology Solutions to Improve Your Practice
  • Heather Jahnes, Hodgman, Rowlett & Jahnes, PA, Greensboro
11:15 a.m. Promoting Attorney Wellness: The Neuroscience of Wellbeing and Self-Care
  • Matthew Slotkin, Slotkin Therapy, Durham
12:15 p.m. Lunch
1:15 p.m. Using Adobe to Prep Evidence-- Calculating the SSDi Offset for Your Client.
  • Will Snyder, The Law Offices of Will Snyder, P.L.L.C., Winston-Salem
2:15 p.m. Round Table Break Out Sessions
3:15 p.m. Break
3:30 p.m. Round Table Break Out Sessions
4:30 p.m. Adjourn